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Languages do not discriminate. They do not know the boundaries of nations. They are only meant to connect us. ~ Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
Sep 14, 20233 min read
Two Poems of Bimlesh Tripathi: Translated by Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
साथ रहो सिर्फ तुम फूल की एक पंखुड़ी से बना सकता हूँ गुलदस्ता आकाश में एक तारा काफी है पूरी रात अंजोर के लिए एक बीज से पूरे खेत में उग...
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Aug 29, 20237 min read
Five Hindi Poems of Kumar Mukul Translated by Shivam Tomar
The Best Letters The best letters are not necessarily those with the neatest handwriting or the simplest language. Rather, the best...
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Sep 14, 20221 min read
Two Hindi Poems of Agyeya Translated by Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
हिन्दी दिवस, (14 सितंबर, 2022) के अवसर पर Our Blood The blood of my brother on this side is as red as your sister's blood is on the other...
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May 25, 20223 min read
Dangai (Rioter) A Hindi Poem by Kalpana Singh
दंगाई (हिंदी कविता) - कल्पना सिंह दंगाई दंगाई, दंगाई, दंगाई! कौन है यह दंगाई? कोई कहता है — उसके हाथ मे होता है लोटा और मुँह में पान।...
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May 17, 20215 min read
Five Hindi Poems of Kunwar Narain Translated by Apurva Narain
YOU, ALL AROUND ME And you, all around me all the time so present in my world your frequent coming and going yet, you do not come in...
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May 16, 20217 min read
Two Hindi Poems of Mangalesh Dabral Translated by Sarabjeet Garcha
A TRIBUTE The Madwoman It was almost certain that she was insane her mauled appearance tangled hair and livid face were enough to betray...
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May 16, 20215 min read
Two Hindi Poems of Pankhuri Sinha in English
Two Hindi Poems of Pankhuri Sinha translated from the original Hindi into English by the poet herself. Dragon Dance on a Rainy Evening...
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Jan 30, 20211 min read
Gandhi Ke Marnoprant, a Hindi Poem by Kalpana Singh
गांधी, कोई उड़ा ले गया तुम्हारे शब्द, हे राम!
कोई चुरा ले गया तुम्हारी बकरी
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Jan 16, 20212 min read
Three Poems of Vishnuchandra Sharma Translated by Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
Today Where flowers could not grow I planted the rocks. Flowers are blooming from the rocks now. आज जहाँ फूल नहीं उग सके मैंने चट्टानें...
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Jan 16, 20212 min read
The Slanderer - गाली देने वाला आदमी (कविता) - कल्पना सिंह
Gaali Dene Wala Aadmi - The Slanderer: A Poem by Kalpna Singh गाली देने वाला आदमी गाली देने वाला आदमी हर बात पर गाली देता है वह अच्छी बात...
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Jan 16, 20212 min read
Fares Waived - किराया माफ़ (कविता) - कल्पना सिंह
किराया माफ़: एक कविता भारत के प्रवासी मज़दूरों के लिए - Kiraya Maaf: A Poem for the Migrant Workers किराया माफ़ सारी दुनिया थम जाती है जब...
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Jan 16, 20211 min read
Indentured: The Replaced Slaves - इतिहास और मज़दूर (कविता) - कल्पना सिंह
इतिहास और मज़दूर मेरे प्रांत का मज़दूर, बेटे को कंधे पर बिठाए अपनी बची-खुची पूँजी लिए, पत्नी के साथ चला जा रहा है। वह चलता ही चला जा रहा...
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