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Seven Hindi Poems of Leeladhar Mandloi in English

Poems translated from the original Hindi from the poetry collection 'Likkhe Mein Dukh' by the poet himself


One who has spent life

Using a stone for a pillow

Won't get to sleep

If his head is rested

On a soft pillow

Not everyone is acquainted

With the softness of a stone कोमलता जिनका सिरहाना


पत्‍थर रहा हो

उन्‍हें तकिए पर नींद

नहीं आती

पत्‍थर की कोमलता

हर कोई नहीं जानता _____ The Travel

A drinking bowl

A rope

A muffler

A blanket

A batua*

And a stick

No travel

Can be a trouble now

(*Wallet) यात्रा एक लोटा

एक डोरी

एक अंगोछा

एक कंबल

एक पोटली

और एक लाठी

अब कोई भी यात्रा कठिन नहीं _____ The Tongue

I am well known

To the tongue

I write भाषा - I मैं लिखता हूं

उस भाषा में


मुझे जानती है _____

My Words

My words are the co-traveler

Of my dreams

Just the other day, I witnessed

In my dreams

The firmaments pouring fire

My words today

Are planting here this shrub भाषा - II मेरी भाषा सपनों की सहयात्री है

जैसे कल देखा मैंने सपना

बरस रही थी आसमान से आग

आज मेरी भाषा यह पौधा रोप रही है _____


The one who called

Ashes "flowers"

Must have seen

The inner flower of the man फूल अस्थियों को कहा होगा जिसने


देखा होगा उसी ने

मनुष्‍य के भीतर का फूल _____


The honeybees exert themselves

And collect sweet nectar

In the invisible baskets

Located in their legs

And make all-out efforts

To save their honey

From external invasions

Whereas we have become

So vulnerable

Surrounded by enemies from all sides

We have obviously failed

To learn the 'mantra'

From the honeybees मंत्र श्रमिक होती हैं मधुमक्खियां

फूलों से पराग

और मकरंद करती हैं इकट्ठा

अपने टांगों में बनी

उस टोकरी में

जो दीखती नहीं

मधुमक्खियां तैयार

करती हैं शहद

और करती हैं रक्षा

बाहरी आक्रमण से उसकी

घिरे हुए हैं हम अनेक दुश्‍मनों से

और रक्षा नहीं कर पाते

हमने मधुमक्खियों से सीखा नहीं यह मंत्र _____

A Birth

To celebrate the birth

Of this child

Call the birds

Invite the women

Sing one and all

O' rivers, mountains and waterfalls

Just for a few days

Let the guns remain alone जन्‍म इस बच्‍चे के जन्‍म पर

बुलाओ परिन्‍दों को

औरतों को दावत दो

गाओ सब मिल

नदी, पहाड़, झरनों

कुछ दिनों के लिए

बंदूकों को आराम दो

_____ BIO: Leeladhar Mandloi is a writer, poet, filmmaker and photographer. He has published 36 books on poetry, literature and culture and produced/directed documentary films on numerous culturarl and literary personalities. In 2018, he displayed his abstract photography work in a solo exhibition at Bharat Kala Bhawan in Banares. He is the recipient of various national awards and honours including, the Kabir Sammam, the Sharmsher Samman, the Pushkin Sammam, Nagarjun Samman, the Dushyant Samman, the Raza Award, the Ram Vilas Sharma Samman, the Kriti Samman and the Sahityakar Samman. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Vani Prakashan and the Vani Foundation. Bio Courtesy: Jaipur Literature Festival


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